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Secured payment
SSL logo
Visa Mastercard Carte Bleue logos


The entire MON PETIT MEUBLE FRANCAIS site is under HTTPS protocol, visible in your navigation bar. This protocol is an encryption algorithm. It allows the Internet user to validate the identity of the WEB site visited and to send his data confidentially and with integrity.  

SSL payment

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) / TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a security protocol  which creates a secure channel between two machines communicating over the Internet or an internal network. Technically speaking, SSL is a transparent protocol that requires little interaction from the end user. You will see the green SSL logo appear at checkout in some internet browsers.

MON PETIT MEUBLE FRANÇAIS accepts payment via CARTE BLEUE, VISA and MASTERCARD. The proposed service PAYPAL allows you to pay online without communicating your bank details, by simply identifying yourself with your  email address  and a password. It is not necessary to fund your PayPal account in advance. The funding source you have chosen (payment card or bank account) is automatically debited at the time of the transaction. PAYPAL also offers payment options in 4 times free of charge.  

TRANSFER: you can order and make your payment by SWIFT bank transfer. Our IBAN is listed by the check-out. Your order is kept for 48 hours until receipt of the money transfer. We will inform you by email upon receipt of the total amount and will then definitively confirm your order.

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